Saturday, January 7, 2012

True happiness comes to those who are patient 1/7/12

Happy New Years! ( just a little late)
Just an up-date on life, love, happiness and my goal for 2012.
First of all, all the fun and excitement of the new year has slowness down. Our family reunion, baby shower for the first great-grand on my side was such fun! The holiday visiting, celebrations with family, friends and delicious foods have come to an end and life is back to normal! For once in my life, I am overjoyed with that.
Our family spend quality time with my oldest, who deploys in March to Afghanistan, closer to Pakistan than last year. Needless to say, a mother's heart aches at this realization, however, it is my son's calling, as with my husband, to serve their country with honor. It takes a special kind of person, to give of themselves for others. Even though we come across some that spu their brand of hate in regards to service. (My feelings on that, is that they have no self worth and when looking in a mirror, they only see regret and a wasted life).
Once we came home and rested, we all felt very thankful for all that transpired in 2011.
1). My middle son experienced a few hard life lessons, wanted to restore things and came home.
2). In August, my youngest made personal choices & goals for her future, which are remarkable. She is on her way to a very bright future.
3). In Oct my middle son and two friends hit a tree, flipped & rolled my car. Time in the ER and hospital was a huge reminder that all three were blessed to be alive. Needless to say, these three boys have a new outlook on life and the mercy of God. I am thankful I still have all three!
4). August, one of those boys moved in and I now have a third son, a fourth child. My husband and I are thankful he has a place now, where he feels safe, loved & cared for. I am thankful how God knew I wasn't done "parenting" and allowed me to care for this sweet young man.
5). April, My oldest son was diagnosed with PTSD, brain trauma and was able to get some help after his first deployment. He had planned to marry his girlfriend of 4 years, two months before he deployed and when that didn't happen, we all had to adjust and move on. He has recently starting dating a nice girl. All things work out for good. And with everything, time will tell!
6). Even with the difference in work ethics, my co-worker and I work well together, are friends and it gets better every day. He values my hard work and I support and encourage his ability to do great things. And for us as a team to be successful, it takes the two of us. Interestingly enough, when you work closely with someone, you do tend to share details of your lives with each other. That, we have been doing for a year now. It's kinda cool, because things make us a better team, especially when I have shared who I am, where I have been, what freaks have been in my past, and what "so called friends" have done over the years. And my co-worker has done the same. It's like a little marriage, and we make it work because it takes two to make our team be what it is.
7). My husband and I have gone through much as single people and came together to create a life with each other. This is the most genuine and honest my life has been. He is my rock, we would die for the other and we live for the other. My family is now his and his, mine.
This is 2011 in a nutshell! Blessed and happy goes a long way.
Happy 2012!

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