Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The True Joy of Life 12/6/11

I met him! Mr. Right! After all the drama I have been through, all the self help books, and months of therapy (trying to figure out why I let low life's in my world and how to spot them) I stumbled onto a kind and gentle man. It has been an interesting journey, to say the least.
So, I dated this awesome man for a year and some. I moved my life, kids and everything to give what we have a real try. After a year of long distant dating, flying each other to and from the opposite ends of the map,I prayed about it and knew it was time.
I was married June of this year and nothing has ever made me happier (accept the birth of my three children). We are celebrating out third Christmas together. The first was with his family & the first time I met them. Last year, we celebrated just he and I and the kids. It was such a special time for this new family. This year we celebrate Christmas with my family.
I am so thankful that I reached a point in life when i knew for absolute who & what is not a healthy choice and stepped from what i thought was good and just waited on the Lord. With a calm spirit within, faith that when I am patient and able to discern who is real and of good character God will give me the man that He wants for me. Thank you, Lord! I am now married to my best friend, a gentle & kind soul. You Someone I confide in and trust with my life. A man of great character, honor, faith who loves my family and I. One cannot ask for more! you see, God gave me all I desired for and more! In my wildest dreams I wouldn't have thought what I have today was possible. I am proof, that our life's trials and sorrows do not define you. All mistakes, all the horrible experiences and destructive people that once tried to destroy you can be just a wrinkle in time. It is not who you used to be, rather, who you are today as you walk in your truth and
God's light.

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